Orthodontics and Invisalign® at Grand Lake Dental

If you have a misaligned bite or crooked, crowded, or rotated teeth, you may be considering Invisalign® clear aligner orthodontics to improve the beauty of your smile.
However, Invisalign treatment does more than improve aesthetics. Crooked, crowded teeth are harder to keep clean, which increases your risk of dental decay and gum disease. Also, bite issues can affect your airway, speech, and chewing. One potential result is problems with diet and nutrition.
At Grand Lake Dental, Dr. Karl Jobst can help improve the health and beauty of your smile. He has been through extensive orthodontic training and education, and he knows how to move teeth properly and gently with Invisalign clear aligners.

The Phases of Traditional Orthodontics and Invisalign Aligners
Depending on several factors, orthodontic treatment can take anywhere from six to thirty months. How long it takes depends largely on the degree of malocclusion, but other factors, including the type of appliances and level of patient compliance, are also considerations.
There are three major stages of orthodontic treatment:
Phase One—Planning--Traditional Orthodontics vs Invisalign
In phase one, Dr. Jobst will make a diagnosis and treatment plan to realign your teeth in the most efficient and effective way. This phase includes several steps and may take more than one appointment. At the conclusion, Dr. Jobst will discuss your options, including traditional orthodontics with metal brackets and wires and Invisalign clear aligners.
The planning phase begins with dental and medical evaluation. Dr. Jobst needs to understand not only your oral health but your overall health as well. Some issues, such as gum disease or dental decay, may need treatment before orthodontics can begin.
We will need impressions of your upper and lower arch. For this, we will have you bite down into a gel-filled tray. Once the gel substance hardens, we will fill them with plaster to create a study model of your teeth. This allows Dr. Jobst to have a firm understanding of how each tooth relates to the other teeth and lets him know their exact position.
Panoramic x-rays allow Dr. Jobst to inspect your jaw joints and each tooth and its root’s position. It also lets him see if you have any potential hidden complications.
We will also take numerous photographs of you from different angles while smiling, not smiling, showing your teeth, etc. This helps with treatment planning and allows you to remember what your teeth looked like before treatment. We love before and after photos!

Digital images are also taken, so Dr. Jobst can examine and plan how treatments may affect the symmetry of the jaw and shape of the face.
All this information will help Dr. Jobst understand any issues that may make traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear aligners a better option for you.

Phase Two—Active Orthodontics
Dr. Jobst will create a customized treatment plan for you with your input that includes which orthodontic treatment option is best for your needs and desires. For instance, would you be better off with traditional metal braces, or would removable Invisalign clear aligners be your best option?
Once the treatment plan is completed, Dr. Jobst will initiate your orthodontic appliances. He will then make regular adjustments as he ensures the proper pressure to move your teeth gently into their desired positions.
Phase Three—Retention
Once your teeth reach the desired alignment, you will switch from your metal braces or Invisalign aligners into retainers. The goal here is to ensure your teeth remain in their proper positions and do not shift back to their original positions.
Dr. Jobst will inform you as to how long and how often you must wear your retainers.
During this phase, the jawbone reforms around the realigned teeth, stabilizing them in correct alignment.
The Options with Orthodontics and Invisalign
There are advantages and disadvantages to both traditional and Invisalign clear aligner braces.
The biggest differences between the two are:
1. How they look and feel
Traditional metal braces are highly visible. The brackets and wires can poke and cause soft tissue injuries. Adjustments tend to be more painful. Invisalign aligners, however, are nearly invisible and much more comfortable.
2. Removable vs. nonremovable.
Traditional braces are not removable. You must take them into consideration when you eat and perform oral hygiene. Clear aligners, on the other hand, are removed for eating and oral hygiene. The clear advantage here is being able to remove your appliance, but this can also be a serious disadvantage for patients who tend to be noncompliant. Leaving clear aligners out too often or for too long defeats the purpose. Noncompliant patients do much better with nonremovable braces.
3. Cost.
Invisalign clear aligners tend to be more expensive.
Are traditional orthodontics or Invisalign aligners in your future?
If you have questions about traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear aligners, we have answers!
Looking for a solution for crowded, crooked teeth or a misaligned bite? Grand Lake Dental can give you a beautiful smile.
Contact us at (918) 787-5800 today, and one of our friendly team members can get the answers you need or schedule you for a consultation.